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Lyon, 69006 FRANCE
phone: +33-47-283-0189
fax: +33-47-283-0183

Booth 18

Micronews is the industry journal produced and published by Yole Développement. Distributed by email to over 23,000 readers around the globe this monthly journal, and its website, have become the leading information source for MEMS industry news. With content developed by the team of analysts at Yole, Micronews offers greater insight than other publications in the field. Further, drawing from the body of work at Yole, topics covered by Micronews extend beyond MEMS and include: Microfluidics, LED, Power Electronics as well as quarterly supplements on Photovoltaic and Advanced Packaging. In each issue of Micronews you will find the latest news and information on applications, markets, industrial companies, R&D institutes and investors worldwide.

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