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Surface Technology Systems, PLC
Imperial Park
Newport, NP10 BUJ UK
phone: +44-1633-652-400
fax: +44-1633-652-405

Booth 22

Established in 1984, Surface Technology Systems plc (STS), a wholly owned subsidiary of Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd (SPP), manufactures cassette-to-cassette cluster and single/batch loadlocked plasma etch and deposition systems that can be configured with ICP, RIE, XeF2 and PECVD sources. Their wafer processing technologies include the market-leading ASE® deep silicon etch process for MEMS micromachining, dielectric etch and deposition for Optical Waveguides, and compound semiconductor etch processes. STS and SPP have a worldwide distribution and service network of sales offices, service engineers and agents, to offer local sales, spares and service support throughout Asia, Europe and North America.

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