Transducers 2009 - Denver, Colorado, USA
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2211 Lewis Avenue
Rockville, MD 20851 USA
phone: 1-301-881-2450
fax: +1-301-881-5374

Booth 43

Tousimis manufactures leading edge Supercritical CO2 Dryers enabling delicate micro 3-D structural preservation for both Bio and Material applications. Tousimis is a USA based company located in the Washington D.C. Technology Corridor. Our reproducible CPD process technology eliminates surface tension forces. Current Supercritical CPD applications include MEMS, Bio-MEMS, Gel, Polymer-Matrix drying, Aero-Gels, Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene and other emerging technologies. Tousimis also manufactures X-Ray Reference Standards. Tousimis supports all products with our global sales and service support network.

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