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Zurich Instruments AG
Technoparkstrasse 1
Zurich, 8005 SWITZERLAND
phone: +41-44-633-7849
fax +41 44 633 1615

Booth 20

Zurich Instruments (ZI) is a technology start-up developing and marketing test & measurement devices for high-tech research laboratories. As a spin-off from Swiss-based ETH Zurich, ZI was established in 2008 and celebrated first sales in the fall of the same year. At the Transducers 2009, Zurich Instruments is introducing its new line of 50 MHz / 200 MSample/s HF2 products, comprising an impedance spectroscope, a digital lock-in amplifier, and an oscillation controller. These products are used in a wide-range of applications such as MEMS, biology, semiconductor test, or nano physics. Visitors at the Transducers will be able to see an attractive demonstration of the capability of the lock-in amplifier performing oscillation control.

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