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Masayoshi Esashi - Plenary Abstract

Masayoshi Esashi was received the B.E. degree in electronic engineering in 1971 and the Doctor of Engineering degree in 1976 at Tohoku University. He served as a research associate from 1976 and an associate professor from 1981 at the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tohoku University.

Since 1990 he has been a professor and he is now in The World Premier International Research Center Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, (TU-WPI) and director of Micro/Nanomachining Research & Education Center (Micro/Nano Center (MNC)) in Graduate School of Engineering in Tohoku University. He was a President of Sensor-Micromachine Society in Institute of Electrical Engineers in Japan (2002-2003) and a collaboration coordinator for Sendai city (2004∼2006). He served as a general co-chairman of the 4th IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Workshop in 1991 held in Nara, Japan and also as a general chairman of the 10th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (Transducers 99) in 1999 held in Sendai, Japan.

He has been studying microsensors and micromachined integrated systems (MEMS). Authored books : "Basics of semiconductor integrated circuit design" (Japanese) (1981) Baihukan, "Electronic and information circuits" (Japanese) (1989) Shokodo, "Micromachining and micromechatronics" (Japanese) (1992) Baihukan etc. Awards : Japan IBM science award (1993), SSDM Award (2001), Kahoku cultural award (2005), Purple ribbon award (2006) etc.

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